Eye Allergies

Eye Allergy Treatment 

at New Vision Optical Boutique

Eye allergies affect millions of people worldwide. These allergies can cause discomfort and irritation, making it essential to understand their triggers, signs, and treatment options. When you are aware of preventive measures, you can minimize the exposure to allergens and reduce the occurrence of eye allergies. At New Vision Optical Boutique in Wilmette, IL, our eye doctors provide treatment that can provide the necessary treatment that will relive discomfort and allow you to enjoy everyday activities without being hindered. 

Eye Allergies

Eye Allergy Triggers

Eye allergies can be triggered by a variety of factors. Some of these include environmental allergens such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and mold spores. These substances can enter the eye and cause an allergic reaction. Not only that, but certain irritants like cigarette smoke, perfumes, and chemicals can also contribute to the condition. It's important to note that sensitivities may vary and what triggers allergies in one person may not affect another.

Signs and Symptoms 

The signs and symptoms of eye allergies can differ, but commonly include redness, itching, burning, watery discharge, and swollen eyelids. Some individuals may also experience sensitivity to light and blurred vision. If you frequently experience these symptoms, it is important to seek professional help from our optometrists.

Diagnosing and Treating Allergies

Our optometrists can diagnose and treat eye allergies effectively. We may recommend over-the-counter eye drops or prescription eye drops that contain antihistamines, mast cell stabilizers, or corticosteroids to alleviate the symptoms. These medications reduce inflammation and suppress allergies. In severe cases, oral antihistamines or other systemic medications may be prescribed.

Preventive Measures

In addition to medications, there are preventive measures that can help you manage eye allergies. It is essential to first identify and avoid alleges that can cause a reaction. This can include staying indoors om the days when pollen count is high, using air purifiers or filters, keeping windows closed, and regularly cleaning bedding to reduce exposure to dust mites. In addition, wearing sunglasses when outdoors can protect the eyes from pollen and other irritants.

The Importance of Good Eye Health

Maintaining good eye hygiene is essential in preventing eye allergies. Washing your hands frequently and avoiding rubbing or touching your eyes can minimize the risk of allergens. It is also recommended to avoid wearing eye makeup during allergic episodes and to replace old cosmetics regularly to prevent bacterial contamination.

Contact us for Treatment Today!

If eye allergies are affecting your daily life, our optometrists at New Vision Optical Boutique in Wilmette, IL, can provide treatment to reduce symptoms. We will identify the cause of your allergies and check your overall eye health to ensure your allergies haven’t caused any damage to your eyes. To learn more about our treatments or to schedule your appointment, call our office at (847) 251-3330 today.

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(847) 251-3330


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